I transcribed the last 5 minutes of her bath tonight. She usually just sits in the tub and babbles as I stand at the counter and read or web surf, helping as she requests. I had to leave out some of the repetition, but hopefully the flavor of it will come across. I stopped transcribing when she started demanding to come out of the tub.
Daddy hungry. Daddy hungry. (unintelligible) More. (She eats bubbles)
Foot foot foot. ? want. ? want.
Horn. Rhyme rhyme rhyme. Dance. (She sings the song we sing when brushing her teeth) da da dadada da da. Brush teeth. Out.
Trouble. Trouble. Done done done.
Hang hang hang (she attempts to hang the bath net).
Up top. Up top.
One. Here! Help. (Still trying to hang it)
Heh. Silly.
Done hang! Done hang! Done done done (hands me the net).
Turtle. Mommy turtle. (She has a mommy turtle bath toy and 2 baby turtles).
Age age age. Baby. Baby baby. Toddler! Baby toddler baby toddler. Age.
[A.] age? (I tell her she's 1)
Mommy turtle? Mommy turtle? (I tell her she's 30)
Baby turtle? [A.] turtle? [A.] turtle?
Mommy say? Mommy say?
Friend friend friend friend friend.
Mommy thirty. Mommy say.
Bunnies? (Graham cracker bunnies she gets in the bath) Please? Bunny please? Bunny please? (I give her bees -- we're out of bunnies)
No more. No more. I do not!
Nummy! Nummy tummy. Nummy tummy. Nummy tummy.
More? Bees? More bees?
(I count out 6, tell her no more)
No more!
Soap. Soap. Soap eyes. (I ask if the soap gets in her eyes)
Wash eyes. Wash eyes! Wash eyes! Wash eyes.
Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. (She kisses the mommy turtle)
Nose rub. Nose rub. (She rubs noses with the mommy turtle)