Friday, June 27, 2008

Foodie heaven

JJ and I are on cloud nine. A Whole Foods just opened about 30 minutes away (the previous closest was an hour away). It's HUGE, and filled with all the foods that we ate in California and have missed. We spent over an hour wandering around, eating lunch, then stuffing our cooler with treats and goodies that conform to our special diets (JJ = vegetarian, me & A. = dairy-free).

A. tried (and liked) dragon fruit, and now has a dragon fruit-stained jumper. She gobbled up Bell & Evans all-natural, antibiotic free chicken nuggets. She desperately wanted my chipotle chicken sausage, but it was way spicy. And we split Kung Pao chicken, brown rice, and a sparkling peach soda. She giggled and "hi"-ed her way through the store, charming everyone while wiggling and twisting to the point that we couldn't hold onto her. Eating lunch at the outdoor fountain so that she could wander around, splash in the puddles, and watch the water helped calm her down enough to finish our trip.

The trip to Whole Foods was like a step back to our time in California. We had a great time pointing out all the foods we used to live off of. It was strangely homey and comforting.

We stocked up on the goodies we can't get at the local stores, and we plan a bi-weekly or so outing in the future. Although shopping there on a regular basis wouldn't be that much more expensive that at Publix, it's enough of a difference that we shouldn't indulge on a day-to-day basis. Plus, that's quite a drive every week just for groceries.

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