Friday, December 12, 2008

Trip north!

We packed up and headed north this week for a quick trip to visit family. We scheduled it between Thanksgiving and Christmas and right around JJ's birthday to take in as many holidays as possible.

We had lots of family to see, so it was quite a whirlwind. We did have time to fit in a trip to a local ski resort for A.'s first peek at snow. She could barely walk in her marshmallow-like suit of snow gear, and she didn't know what to make of sledding at first. But she warmed up to it quickly, and had a blast being pulled up the slope and riding back down with various family members.

We'd spend a few months preparing A. for the trip by writing a book about what would happen and who she'd meet, complete with photos. It seemed to pay off. Her previous visits with the family didn't go well -- lots of screaming and hanging on to us. But she recognized everyone and was very comfortable with them from the get-go. She ended up having a blast.

Two days of travel, two days with family, and we're back home barely knowing what hit us. It was a good trip, though. I think A. is looking forward to our next one.

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