Friday, November 23, 2007

First day of work

This week we're finally falling into our pattern for the near future. JJ worked yesterday night (Thanksgiving) and tonight, so he spent today sleeping. That meant that A. and I vacated the premises to give him a nice, quiet house. It wasn't my first day as a stay-at-home mom -- JJ'd spent a week at orientation -- but it's the start of normalcy.

A. and I had a nice day -- we took advantage of a Black Friday sale at a children's resale store to get extra-cheap clothes and a few goodies, helped at the warehouse, took a nap, and went grocery shopping. Being able to pop in to my parents' warehouse to help for a while and being able to steal the bed in their guest room to get A. a nap were fabulous. I'm still getting used to having support on a day-to-day basis, but it's such a relief.

I found myself surprisingly happy and proud as I walked into the grocery store with A. on my hip. I'd expected the worst of being a stay-at-home mom -- feeling lonely, only talking to the baby all day, feeling unfulfilled. So far, none of that has materialized. I love that if A. wants to practice her crawling skills, we can spend an hour hanging out on the bed and playing around. If I feel like I need to be productive, I just pop into the warehouse where my parents get to hold and play with A. and I get to help them in a very tangible way.

It may be a honeymoon period, but so far I'm happier than I thought I'd be.

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