Wednesday, December 19, 2007

She slept through the night!

In the 7 and a half months she's been alive, A. has never slept through the night. She has acid reflux, so before we started treating that with Prevacid she woke from reflux episodes and to eat small, frequent meals to control her symptoms. Once we started treating the reflux, at 5 months, she had established terrible sleeping habits that had her up every 1-2 hours and napping only in her car seat or while being worn.

Since moving to Florida, JJ and I have been working on A.'s sleep. We finally got her napping in her crib, which was fabulous and gave us a lot more freedom.

For her night sleep, we tried all of the gentle methods, but she's too stubborn. We finally turned to Dr. Ferber and his progressive-waiting approach. Night one was terrible, with hour-and-a-half long crying jags and little sleep for any of us. Night two was better, with 10 wakings but only 4 soothings.

Last night, night 3, she finally -- FINALLY -- slept through the night. Into bed at 7pm, up at 5:45am. I'm still having a hard time believing it. We'll see if it holds.

Do you have any idea how amazing it feels to sleep for 8 hours for the first time in more than half a year?!


gfoak3 said...

Aw congratulations! I hope it lasts.

Erick said...

Well Done! I hope you two slept through the night as well!