Monday, April 28, 2008

Two steps forward

A.'s starting to walk! I'd expected there to be a distinct day that she started walking, but it's been a two steps forward, one step back thing since Saturday. Where she used to turn away from whatever was supporting her and look across the room as if to say, "I wonder if I could...", and then plop on her bum, she now actually takes 3 or 4 (or 5 or 6) steps to her destination. Any further than that, or any sense of urgency, and it's back to crawling. Most of the time, as is typical, she wants no help. No help! But once or twice she's allowed us to take her hand and walk beside her for a few steps.

I'm excited about her walking, but a little apprehensive as well. She causes enough trouble as it is... what about when she's walking and has two free hands while toddling around, or when she wants to be put down to walk and explore when out in the world? I see a lot more vigilance in my future.

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