Friday, February 29, 2008

The cows

JJ and I were at the house today, preparing the place for A. to have the run of it and checking out paint colors. We had all the windows open to try to air out the dog smell some more.

There was someone out mowing the field behind our house where the two or three cows live. This mower was really annoying the cows, and every time it went by they'd let out a big "MOOOOOO".

The moos drifted into our house, loud and clear. We'd be looking at paint samples, discussing our favorites, and suddenly... "MOOOOOOO!"

It was the most moo-ish moo you could imagine. The best way I can describe it is those little cans that you would turn upside down, then they would make an animal noise when you righted them again. It was a toy-perfect MOOOOO.

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