Monday, October 29, 2007

That dreaded day

All things considered, it went well. A. was a little trooper, sleeping easily on the plane and making friends with all the other passengers. The cats freaked out to various degrees, and there was some drama because we had to remove them from their carriers at security and HAND CARRY THEM through the metal detector. Maneuvering all of the bags and life forms we had was very, very tricky and I never want to do it again.

Today was a recovery day, which is good because JJ's feeling pretty sick. A. and I drove around for me to get a feel for the area (and for her to get a nap). The cats are adjusting at their own rates (Gandalf is living under the bed, Chaos is all over the place and making friends with the dog), but they seem to be doing very well.

It hasn't quite hit me yet that we've moved because other than the cats, so far it's very much like a visit with my parents. I think tomorrow, when we visit rental houses, reality will start sinking in.

I'm just so glad the move-day is over forever.

1 comment:

gfoak3 said...

Glad to hear you all safely arrived. Will it be redundant if I say we miss you every time I comment?